One of the best ways to get to know someone is to look at their bookshelf. -- Kathy SierraHere's a quick look at the programming section of the bookshelf next to my desk. It reflects my current interests pretty well:
- algorithms, Knuth and Introduction to Algorithms
- compilers, including the red and green dragon books
- operating system development
- artificial life
- assembly language, books on 68000, 8086 and 6809
- computer history, Hackers and Fire in the Valley
- web development
Code compleate
ReplyDeleteThe good erlang book (sorry I'm not at my book shelf)
Dreaming in code
The art of electronics
Beautiful Code
Intel and AMD manuals
Javascript; The good bits
The practice of programming
K&R's C (The C Programming Language)
The C++ Programming Language
The art of computer programming
Tihkal & Pihkal
Effective C++
Merc Index % Merc Guide
Looking for a good math book, I did not finish highschool, and while somehow it fails incite regret in me, math is something I avoid (only in its pure forms really).
Too bad that your history at the library doesn't show up in your bookshelf...