Itsy Forth is a 1kB subset of the Forth programming language. Itsy was developed top-down, implementing only the functions required to get the compiler up and running. So far we've looked at the following:
Next we'll define the words to complete the compiler.
Colon Definitions
- ( -- ) define a new Forth word, taking the name from the input buffer;
- ( -- ) complete the Forth word being compiled
sets state
to true to enter compile mode then creates a header for the new word. ;
to the end of the word then sets state
to false to end compile mode.
For example, : here dp @ ;
creates a new Forth word which returns the contents of the variable dp
: :
-1 state !
docolon dec bp
dec bp
mov word[bp],si
lea si,[di+2]
jmp next
: ;
['] exit ,
0 state !
; immediate
Creating Headers
- ( -- ) build a header for a new word in the dictionary, taking the name from the input buffer(;code)
- ( -- ) replace the xt of the word being defined with a pointer to the code immediately following(;code)
adds a new header to the dictionary which includes a link to the previous entry, a name and execution token (xt).
The xt initially points to dovar
but can be modified using (;code).
For example, : variable create 0 , ;
creates a new Forth word to define variables (dovar
is the
default xt for created words).
: create
dp @ last @ , last !
32 word count
+ dp ! 0 ,
dovar push bx
lea bx,[di+2]
jmp next
primitive '(;code)',do_semi_code
mov di,word[val_last]
mov al,byte[di+2]
and ax,31
add di,ax
mov word[di+3],si
mov si,word[bp]
inc bp
inc bp
jmp next
- ( x -- ) create a new constant with the value x, taking the name from the input buffer
For example, 0 constant false
adds a new constant to the dictionary. When executed, false
will push 0 on the
: constant
create ,
doconst push bx
mov bx,word[di+2]
jmp next
Testing the Compiler

It's time to give Itsy a quick test run. First we implement a few standard words: hex
to switch to base 16, cr
to move the cursor to the next line and variable
to define new variables.
Next a simple test. We add a variable itest
initialised to 041h (ASCII 'A') and a procedure to display and increment itest
. Then the moment of truth... A B C it works!
Itsy Forth: The Next Step
What's next for Itsy Forth? First I'd like to implement the ANS core wordset from the Itsy prompt, then perhaps experiment with compiling to native code. In the meantime, here's the code for the current version of Itsy:
%define link 0
%define immediate 080h
%macro head 4
%%link dw link
%define link %%link
%strlen %%count %1
db %3 + %%count,%1
xt_ %+ %2 dw %4
%macro primitive 2-3 0
head %1,%2,%3,$+2
%macro colon 2-3 0
head %1,%2,%3,docolon
%macro constant 3
head %1,%2,0,doconst
val_ %+ %2 dw %3
%macro variable 3
head %1,%2,0,dovar
val_ %+ %2 dw %3
%include "macros.asm"
org 0100h
jmp xt_abort+2
; -------------------
; Variables
; -------------------
variable 'state',state,0
variable '>in',to_in,0
variable '#tib',number_t_i_b,0
variable 'dp',dp,freemem
variable 'base',base,10
variable 'last',last,final
constant 'tib',t_i_b,32768
; -------------------
; Initialisation
; -------------------
primitive 'abort',abort
mov ax,word[val_number_t_i_b]
mov word[val_to_in],ax
xor bp,bp
mov word[val_state],bp
mov sp,-256
mov si,xt_interpret+2
jmp next
; -------------------
; Compilation
; -------------------
primitive ',',comma
mov di,word[val_dp]
xchg ax,bx
mov word[val_dp],di
pop bx
jmp next
primitive 'lit',lit
push bx
xchg ax,bx
jmp next
; -------------------
; Stack
; -------------------
primitive 'rot',rote
pop dx
pop ax
push dx
push bx
xchg ax,bx
jmp next
primitive 'drop',drop
pop bx
jmp next
primitive 'dup',dupe
push bx
jmp next
primitive 'swap',swap
pop ax
push bx
xchg ax,bx
jmp next
; -------------------
; Maths / Logic
; -------------------
primitive '+',plus
pop ax
add bx,ax
jmp next
primitive '=',equals
pop ax
sub bx,ax
sub bx,1
sbb bx,bx
jmp next
; -------------------
; Peek and Poke
; -------------------
primitive '@',fetch
mov bx,word[bx]
jmp next
primitive '!',store
pop word[bx]
pop bx
jmp next
; -------------------
; Inner Interpreter
; -------------------
next lodsw
xchg di,ax
jmp word[di]
; -------------------
; Flow Control
; -------------------
primitive '0branch',zero_branch
test bx,bx
jne zerob_z
xchg ax,si
zerob_z pop bx
jmp next
primitive 'branch',branch
mov si,word[si]
jmp next
primitive 'execute',execute
mov di,bx
pop bx
jmp word[di]
primitive 'exit',exit
mov si,word[bp]
inc bp
inc bp
jmp next
; -------------------
; String
; -------------------
primitive 'count',count
inc bx
push bx
mov bl,byte[bx-1]
mov bh,0
jmp next
primitive '>number',to_number
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
to_numl test bx,bx
je to_numz
push ax
mov al,byte[di]
cmp al,'a'
jc to_nums
sub al,32
to_nums cmp al,'9'+1
jc to_numg
cmp al,'A'
jc to_numh
sub al,7
to_numg sub al,48
mov ah,0
cmp al,byte[val_base]
jnc to_numh
xchg ax,dx
pop ax
push dx
xchg ax,cx
mul word[val_base]
xchg ax,cx
mul word[val_base]
add cx,dx
pop dx
add ax,dx
dec bx
inc di
jmp to_numl
to_numz push ax
to_numh push cx
push di
jmp next
; -----------------------
; Terminal Input / Output
; -----------------------
primitive 'accept',accept
pop di
xor cx,cx
acceptl call getchar
cmp al,8
jne acceptn
jcxz acceptb
call outchar
mov al,' '
call outchar
mov al,8
call outchar
dec cx
dec di
jmp acceptl
acceptn cmp al,13
je acceptz
cmp cx,bx
jne accepts
acceptb mov al,7
call outchar
jmp acceptl
accepts stosb
inc cx
call outchar
jmp acceptl
acceptz jcxz acceptb
mov al,13
call outchar
mov al,10
call outchar
mov bx,cx
jmp next
primitive 'word',word
mov di,word[val_dp]
push di
mov dx,bx
mov bx,word[val_t_i_b]
mov cx,bx
add bx,word[val_to_in]
add cx,word[val_number_t_i_b]
wordf cmp cx,bx
je wordz
mov al,byte[bx]
inc bx
cmp al,dl
je wordf
wordc inc di
mov byte[di],al
cmp cx,bx
je wordz
mov al,byte[bx]
inc bx
cmp al,dl
jne wordc
wordz mov byte[di+1],32
mov ax,word[val_dp]
xchg ax,di
sub ax,di
mov byte[di],al
sub bx,word[val_t_i_b]
mov word[val_to_in],bx
pop bx
jmp next
primitive 'emit',emit
xchg ax,bx
call outchar
pop bx
jmp next
getchar mov ah,7
int 021h
mov ah,0
outchar xchg ax,dx
mov ah,2
int 021h
; -----------------------
; Dictionary Search
; -----------------------
primitive 'find',find
mov di,val_last
findl push di
push bx
mov cl,byte[bx]
mov ch,0
inc cx
findc mov al,byte[di+2]
and al,07Fh
cmp al,byte[bx]
je findm
pop bx
pop di
mov di,word[di]
test di,di
jne findl
findnf push bx
xor bx,bx
jmp next
findm inc di
inc bx
loop findc
pop bx
pop di
mov bx,1
inc di
inc di
mov al,byte[di]
test al,080h
jne findi
neg bx
findi and ax,31
add di,ax
inc di
push di
jmp next
; -----------------------
; Colon Definition
; -----------------------
colon ':',colon
dw xt_lit,-1,xt_state,xt_store,xt_create
dw xt_do_semi_code
docolon dec bp
dec bp
mov word[bp],si
lea si,[di+2]
jmp next
colon ';',semicolon,immediate
dw xt_lit,xt_exit,xt_comma,xt_lit,0,xt_state
dw xt_store,xt_exit
; -----------------------
; Headers
; -----------------------
colon 'create',create
dw xt_dp,xt_fetch,xt_last,xt_fetch,xt_comma
dw xt_last,xt_store,xt_lit,32,xt_word,xt_count
dw xt_plus,xt_dp,xt_store,xt_lit,0,xt_comma
dw xt_do_semi_code
dovar push bx
lea bx,[di+2]
jmp next
primitive '(;code)',do_semi_code
mov di,word[val_last]
mov al,byte[di+2]
and ax,31
add di,ax
mov word[di+3],si
mov si,word[bp]
inc bp
inc bp
jmp next
; -----------------------
; Constants
; -----------------------
colon 'constant',constant
dw xt_create,xt_comma,xt_do_semi_code
doconst push bx
mov bx,word[di+2]
jmp next
; -----------------------
; Outer Interpreter
; -----------------------
colon 'interpret',interpret
interpt dw xt_number_t_i_b,xt_fetch,xt_to_in,xt_fetch
dw xt_equals,xt_zero_branch,intpar,xt_t_i_b
dw xt_lit,50,xt_accept,xt_number_t_i_b,xt_store
dw xt_lit,0,xt_to_in,xt_store
intpar dw xt_lit,32,xt_word,xt_find,xt_dupe
dw xt_zero_branch,intnf,xt_state,xt_fetch
dw xt_equals,xt_zero_branch,intexc,xt_comma
dw xt_branch,intdone
intexc dw xt_execute,xt_branch,intdone
intnf dw xt_dupe,xt_rote,xt_count,xt_to_number
dw xt_zero_branch,intskip,xt_state,xt_fetch
dw xt_zero_branch,intnc,xt_last,xt_fetch,xt_dupe
dw xt_fetch,xt_last,xt_store,xt_dp,xt_store
intnc dw xt_abort
intskip dw xt_drop, xt_drop, xt_state, xt_fetch
dw xt_zero_branch,intdone,xt_lit,xt_lit,xt_comma
dw xt_comma
intdone dw xt_branch,interpt