The Centre for Computing History is a short walk from Cambridge city centre and is home to a sizeable collection of computers. The museum actively encourages visitors to sit down, try out a few games and even have a go at BASIC programming.
The museum's collection ranges from mechanical calculators and mainframes to home computers and games consoles. Most of the home computers and consoles are switched on and running classic games.
If you're interested in the history of computing (particularly home computing), the centre is the perfect place for a day out.
Relaxen und watschen der Blinkenlights - the MITS Altair 8800
PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); - Commodore PET 2001
PLOT 48,56:DRAW 160,0,65536 - ZX Spectrum 48K
Intel MDS 80 Microprocessor Development System
HP1000 F Series minicomputer