A few days ago I issued a Z80 programming challenge for the ZX Spectrum:
Something simple for the first challenge. Write the shortest code to fill the screen with a chequerboard pattern of 1 pixel squares. No RAM/ROM other than the 6144 byte bitmap screen memory should be written to.
Target: under 25 bytes.
- Your program shouldn't rely on the initial contents of registers.
- Programs must return. The
instruction is included in the size. - So everyone has a fair chance comment with the code size not code.
- There are no prizes, just the chance to show off your coding skill.
Final Results
Congratulations to all who entered, especially Allan Høiberg and Introspec Zx who both discovered a 15-byte solution. The final results are as follows:
Coder | Size |
Allan Høiberg | 15 |
Introspec Zx | 15 |
Jim Bagley | 16 |
Paul Rhodes | 16 |
Krystian Włosek | 16 |
Tim Webber | 16 |
Steve Wetherill | 16 |
John Young | 16 |
Simon Brattel | 16 |
John Metcalf | 16 |
Dariusz EM | 17 |
Chris Walsh | 23 |
Winning Entries
Allan was the first to discover a 15-byte solution:
LD BC,22272
LD A,85
LoopB: BIT 6,B
LoopC: DEC C
DJNZ loopB
Introspec found a 15-byte solution with only one loop:
ld hl,16384+6143
filloop5: ld a,h
sbc a,a
xor %01010101
ld (hl),a
dec hl
bit 6,h
jr nz,filloop5
My own attempts all fell short at 16 bytes:
ld hl,22528-256
ld bc,24*256+170
fill: dec l
ld (hl),c
jr nz,fill
rrc c
dec h
djnz fill
Entries are archived on John Young's website. Thanks to everyone who entered or otherwise supported the challenge. :-)

cp (hl) vs bit 6,h -byte