Xorshift is a simple, fast pseudorandom number generator developed by George Marsaglia. The generator combines three xorshift operations where a number is exclusive-ored with a shifted copy of itself:
/* 16-bit xorshift PRNG */
unsigned xs = 1;
unsigned xorshift( )
xs ^= xs << 7;
xs ^= xs >> 9;
xs ^= xs << 8;
return xs;
There are 60 shift triplets with the maximum period 216-1. Four triplets pass a series of lightweight randomness tests including randomly plotting various n × n matrices using the high bits, low bits, reversed bits, etc. These are: 6, 7, 13; 7, 9, 8; 7, 9, 13; 9, 7, 13.
7, 9, 8 is the most efficient when implemented in Z80, generating a number in 86 cycles. For comparison the example in C takes approx ~1200 cycles when compiled with HiSoft C v1.3.
; 16-bit xorshift pseudorandom number generator
; 20 bytes, 86 cycles (excluding ret)
; returns hl = pseudorandom number
; corrupts a
ld hl,1 ; seed must not be 0
ld a,h
ld a,l
xor h
ld h,a
ld a,l
ld a,h
xor l
ld l,a
xor h
ld h,a
ld (xrnd+1),hl